In Heaven there's a "roster,"
Of brave lads and lassies who-
Have fought upon the battlefields,
Of life for me and you.
Many are their "markers,"
Which bear the word "UNKNOWN;"
A way to leave Memorium,
To those who've died alone.
But God knows every single name,
-exactly where they fell;
As they fought courageously,
To Free Oppression's Hell!
From Waterloo to Flanders Fields,
Megiddo to today-
Many child has give up life,
Where wickedness did slay.
And though we sorely miss them;
Whose "names" have gone awry...
We know that we shall greet them,
As Christ splits the Eastern sky!

~penned by lynn foust

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Photo by Lynn Foust
Graphics by Lori: In the Light of Angels