(Based on: Matthew 18:3-4)

Oh, to become "innocent"
As a little child...
With a free, sweet spirit
(Humbly meek and mild!)
To rise up every morning
In a world of awe;
Wondering at Creation,
Free of surly flaw.
Just to play and tumble
(Never fray nor fight...)
Hiding in a thicket,
Spying eagle flight.
Fishing at the waterhole
(A quiet, sacred place.)
Climbing up great tree limbs
With an agile grace.
Clumsy in the pasture,
Chasing through tall corn...
Peeking into grass nests;
Curious of "newborns."
THESE will run the Kingdom
(That's what Jesus said...)
When everything is said and done,
They KNOW why Jesus bled!
~penned by lynn foust


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