Laundry Room Angel

I used to grieve and fret a lot
Over laundry days;
Pants, shirts, towels, and shorts
All folded in ONE way!
Laundry soap plus dryer sheets
"Are my khakis clean?"
"Did you wash whites today?"
(I'd hear it in my dreams!)
Then one day it happened...
An Angel came to me;
Lighting up my laundry room
So Bright I couldn't see!
She told me not to WORRY
Over mundane things of life,
Like what to fix for supper
Or spot-free forks and knives!
There is a BIGGER picture
Than what our eyes can see...
And we have a "Treasure Room"
With a Sacred Key!
All of it's awaiting us
If we find the time;
To Pray and Read our Bibles,
Making fear benign.
Suddenly - she was gone
And I was all alone...
Standing mid my laundry room
In a dazzled zone!
I felt quite bewildered
But Rejuvenated,
To think an ANGEL "found" me
Where my washer agitated!
I know there was a purpose
For this "visitation."
I felt overjoyed
With great Jubilation!
I guess we must recapture
What it seems we've lost;
Searching for REAL LOVE,
In a world consumed with "cost."
A SPECIAL kind of Laundry Sense
Where dirt comes all undone...
Cleaner HEARTS and Well-Rinsed SOULS,
With Spin-Cycles of FUN!

~penned by lynn foust

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