Mauna Kea is the tallest
From sea floor to the sky.
Many are volcanic
(For notoriety they vie.)
Some come by erosion,
Others, domes or faults-
A folding down of pressure
Can form these treasure-vaults.
They affect our climate,
Plus make the skiing fun...
Some folks like to climb them,
Reaching for the sun!
A home to flora/fauna
About the timberline-
Where the weather's breezy
And not always kind.
Mountains send down water
When their snow caps melt,
To a thirsty desert
So Springtime can be felt.
Important in the Bible,
They're labeled "Holy Ground..."
As one where Moses started,
And God's great Law was found.
They've been here since dawning,
Writ down in Genesis-
Great places for reflection
Or a bashful lover's kiss!
~penned by lynn foust