
Items on the shelf of "Life,"
That "keep" and do not spoil;
Are what we need to "purchase,"
With our work and hearty toil.
Things like "Love" and "Mercy..."
Could begin the list.
Then, put in your "shopping cart..."
"Laughter," "Peace," and "Bliss!"
How about some "Happiness,"
(With that you cannot lose.)
Grab a healthy bunch of "Joy,"
To keep away the blues!
"Wisdom" is another thing,
Sitting on that ledge.
Of "Understanding," "Faith," & "Truth,"
-We all need a wedge!
How about some "Honey,"
Stored up in a jar...
To save us from a rainy day,
When things aren't up to par!
Tons of "Lovingkindness,"
(That we need LOTS of-)
"Provisions" for INFINITY,
When we all Rise Above!

~penned by lynn foust

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