Man's a bargain hunter-
Of the fiercest kind!
We might drive a hundred miles,
Just to save a dime.
Garage sales and discount stores,
Wholesale tools and such;
To save a little money,
It matters very much!
Gasoline wars can line us up...
We'll fight for the last drop.
If the food is good and cheap,
There - everyone will hop!
We really love the "thrifty" things-
And search for every bargain.
It doesn't matter where we're from,
We understand "Sales Jargon!"
Just say "Free" and we'll come running...
(watch out you don't fall down!)
We wince at tips and tithing,
To save a penny or a crown.
But there's just one question-
I quandary deep within;
How can man be "money-wise"
Yet pay so MUCH for Sin ?
~penned by lynn foust