Meadowlarks, and warblers.
Nightingales, and wrens.
Mockingbirds, tan sparrows,
Scissor-tails and kin.
Thrashers and the thrushers.
Waxwings, orioles.
Swallows, brilliant finches,
Starlings, vireos.
Tanagers, and grosbeaks.
Buntings, and towhees.
The tiny tufted titmouse,
Robins, chickadees.
Turtledoves, the cowbirds.
Canaries and THEIR song.
Flycatchers, and nuthatches
Sing the whole day long.
These are just a few of
Sweet Blessings of our Lord-
Made to spread His seed around
And "trill" His sacred chords!
~penned by lynn foust