Oh Lord, how I Love Thee-
Rock of my Salvation.
You are my strength and Fortress;
I sing in Jubilation!
You heard me from the deepest depths,
My heart was drowning there...
You rode in on a Cherub,
Shooting arrows through the air!
Fire flew from your nostrils,
Kindling lightening everywhere;
Discomfiting enemies,
Swift guiding me from there!
Rewarded per my Righteousness,
Extracted, this poor Soul-
Sweet recompensed from Darkness,
I found Zion : Your Stronghold!
Lighting bright my candle,
All shadows disappeared...
I saw you standing 'fore me,
And I shed a grateful tear!
Nothing is impossible, in your Loving care,
To share your Throne FOREVER-
Now will be my daily Prayer!
~penned by lynn foust